How multilingual support documentation boosts your growth strategy
When preparing to take a software platform or application into new markets, companies tend to focus on lo
Get your app speaking to the world’s most digitally connected audiences in their own language.
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Tak, fordi du downloadede SuperApp. Kom i gang ved at klikke på knappen nedenfor!
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Kiitos, että latasit SuperApp-sovelluksen. Aloita napsauttamalla alla olevaa painiketta.
Jee! 🎉 Löysit piilotetun yllätyksen.
Takk fyrir að sækja SuperApp. Komdu í gang með því að smella á hnappinn hér að neðan.
Til hamingju! 🎉 Þú hefur afhjúpað falda páskaeggið.
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Tjoho! 🎉 Du hittade det gömda påskägget.
If you’ve built your product with internationalisation in mind, then localisation is where we come in. We take the linguistic content of your app or service – along with any documentation and marketing material – and translate and adapt it for your target market.
We take your software strings and translate them into the target locale, making sure we use the right terms in context and that we maintain your brand voice – meaning your customers get a great UX no matter what language they use your product in.
Deleting photos from an album is easy, just follow the steps below.
Chat to support
Hi, how can I help you?
I’m having trouble signing in.
Have you forgotten your password?
No problem, I can help you reset it in no time!
Fantastic! 😀
Det er ingen sag at slette fotos fra et album. Du skal bare følge nedenstående trin.
Chat med support
Hej, hvad kan jeg hjælpe med?
Jeg har problemer med at logge ind.
Har du glemt din adgangskode?
Det er ikke noget problem. Jeg kan hjælpe dig med at nulstille det i en håndevending.
Fedt! 😀
Valokuvien poistaminen albumista on helppoa. Suorita vain seuraavat vaiheet.
Tukea keskustelutoiminnolla
Hei, miten voin auttaa?
Minulla on ongelmia sisäänkirjautumisessa.
Oletko unohtanut salasanasi?
Ei se mitään, voin palauttaa sen hetkessä!
Hienoa! 😀
Auðvelt er að eyða myndum úr safni. Það nægir að fylgja leiðbeiningunum hér að neðan.
Fá aðstoð
Góðan daginn! Hvernig má aðstoða þig?
Ég á í vandræðum með að skrá mig inn.
Ertu búin(n) að gleyma lykilorði þínu?
Ekki málið, við verðum enga stund að endurstilla það!
Frábært! 😀
Det er enkelt å slette bilder fra et album. Det er bare å følge trinnene nedenfor.
Chat med kundestøtte
Hei! Hva kan jeg hjelpe med?
Jeg har problemer med å logge på.
Har du glemt passordet ditt?
Ikke noe problem. Jeg kan hjelpe deg å tilbakestille det på null komma niks.
Fantastisk! 😀
Att ta bort bilder från ett album är lätt. Följ bara stegen nedan.
Chatta med support
Hej, hur kan jag hjälpa dig?
Jag kan inte logga in.
Har du glömt ditt lösenord?
Inga problem, jag kan hjälpa dig att återställa det nu på en gång!
Fantastiskt! 😀
Great support documentation is an essential part of delivering a fantastic user experience and reduces the need for human support. We can translate your knowledge base or help centre articles, chatbot scripts and more to help users in all of your target Nordic countries understand how they can get the most out of your product.
We can help you increase user adoption and loyalty by translating app store descriptions and social media content, as well as localising search keywords, meaning your message comes across in all languages. We can also go further and localise your entire website, including blog posts and landing pages, to help support your overall marketing efforts and cement your domain authority.
An awesome app for just about everything
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En superfed app til stort set alt
4,9 ★★★★★
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Download den seneste version af SuperApp for at få alle de nyeste funktioner, herunder endnu mere mesterlighed, ekstra glans og blankere knapper!
Mahtava sovellus melkeinpä kaikkeen
4,9 ★★★★★
1 995 arvostelua
Lataamalla SuperApp-sovelluksen viimeisimmän version saat kaikki uusimmat toiminnot ja parannellun ulkoasun!
Geggjað app til næstum alls
4,9 ★★★★★
1.995 umsagnir
Sæktu nýjustu útgáfuna af SuperApp til að fá alla nýjustu virknina, þar á meðal meiri sturlun, aukaglans og hnappa sem glitra meira!
En glimrende app for nesten alt mulig
4,9 ★★★★★
1995 anmeldelser
Last ned den nyeste versjonen av SuperApp og få alle de nyeste funksjonene, inkludert enda mer overlegenhet, ekstra kulhet og blankere knapper!
En häftig app som klarar det mesta
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1 995 omdömen
Ladda ned den senaste versionen av SuperApp för att få alla de senaste funktionerna, däribland extra häftighet, extra glitter och knappar som glänser klarare!
The localisation of your app has an enormous impact on users’ perception of your product, affecting everything from how they see your brand and perceive the quality of your app or service, to whether they feel they can trust you.
The global market is extremely digitally engaged. In many regions, internet users are highly active, with social media penetration rates reaching impressive levels. This digital engagement underscores the importance of localising your app to meet the diverse needs and preferences of users worldwide.
At Sandberg, we have decades of experience in software localisation. We gained expertise early on in our work for Silicon Valley giants localising entire operating systems, productivity suites and user documentation.
In recent years, we’ve localised product, documentation and marketing content for top social media brands, music streaming services and one of the world’s most popular workplace collaboration platforms. Trust our experience and know-how to deliver a best-in-class user experience for your global users.
We surveyed people in all of the Nordic countries on their use of localised mobile apps. Get insights on what they think makes for a great localised experience and learn about their usage habits.
Explore more on the topic of software localisation on our blog.
When preparing to take a software platform or application into new markets, companies tend to focus on lo
There are lots of great guides out there for how to prep your product for internationalisation and localisation
There’s no doubt that you want users not only to click on your app or visit your website, but also to stay for
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