Norwegian language

Swearing in the Nordic languages

Swearing in the Nordic languages

Swearing in the Nordic languages

16 June 2021

Christina Bjerggaard

Warning: As you may expect, this article contains uncensored swearing which some readers may find offensive. Hav...

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Waffling about the weather

Waffling about the weather

Waffling about the weather

16 January 2020

Max Naylor

You’ll have almost certainly heard the old falsehood that the Inuit have hundreds or perhaps even thousands of...

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Norwegian: fighting fit for the future?

Norwegian: fighting fit for the future?

Norwegian: fighting fit for the future?

21 October 2019

William Hagerup

Is the Norwegian language under threat? Could it one day disappear from daily use and perhaps sink under the sur...

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A tale of two standards

A tale of two standards

A tale of two standards

31 October 2018

Ingrid Bragdø

If you were to ask a Norwegian speaker to write something in Norwegian, they might ask: which variant? While spo...

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6 facts about the Norwegian language

6 facts about the Norwegian language

6 facts about the Norwegian language

10 May 2018

William Hagerup

When learning a new language, it is always useful to get familiar with its origins, history and those little det...

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